Inhospitable Modernity
Where China was headed all along.
Dare to Repair
Life lessons in zippers.
Spring Cleaning Code
Tips and tricks after refactoring two Python projects.
Ein Junge, ein Stofftier, eine Webcam
Endlich eine Meme-Lücke geschlossen.
Blessed Backups
The backup gods were kind.
Über die aktuell berühmtesten Schweizer Playmobilfigürli
Vom Ohr direkt ins Herz
Adventures in Keyboarding: Offspring
It escalated quickly.
Reddit bites the hands that fed it
Reflections on Reddit's recent changes
On Journalism in and about China
Jottings on reading about domestic and foreign correspondence in China.
From Dress to Python
Nobubo: curves, coding, and pdfs.